New Plans For Our Shop!
Help Us Keep You & Our Village...
At Pennard Stores & Three Cliffs Coffee Shop we always think about you first. With this in mind we hope to have a new layout outside the shop next week. If you help & stick to the rules we should be able to offer more services all the time & stay safe for our deliveries, to all the homes who need it.
If you would rather have deliveries that is our chosen option, we start everyday hitting the houses from 10am and keep on going. Order on this web site and we will Deliver. Do not wait for the supermarket delivery, that does not have something, support us and in turn keep local jobs protected and ensure we can supply the parts the big boys can not, or will not. Remember we have never had empty shelves as our suppliers are local.
Our village has come together over the past 7 weeks but we think this is for 12 months, so we desperately need all of us to work together. Jamie has had a number of meetings with other groups pushing for the relaxing of the cliffs and acces. If that is what the community would like that's fine, but at the moment we are saying NO, as our community is of an age and inhabited by many medics working hard for all of us. Any relaxing of the rules would dramatically effect the way we all live, with mass tourism swamping this area. Local residents would become prisoners in their own home, through no fault of their own.. Yes as a business we would love to return to normal, but that would be to the detriment of our community, so all we ask is stay safe, stay strong, stay together - support us in our goal of getting through these next 12 months. Maybe then we can all come out together at the same time a celebrate.
Keep It Local Support Your Local Business - WE NEED YOUR CUSTOM...